Portrait and fine art landscape photographer
R Buller Photography Fort Collins Colorado
Bristlecone pines and California's Kaweah mountains.
Dave's tent
What's New?
November 14, 2016 The Supermoon.
October 20, 2016 Engagement shoot in Rocky Mountain National Park.

October 18, 2016 Scouting for photoshoot locations yielded a winner: Poudre Falls.
October 2, 2016 Portrait shoot with Tim and his '85 GMC pickup.
September 25, 2016 Quick overnight trip to the Maroon Bells, Aspen, Colorado.
South and North Maroon Peaks. Aspen, Colorado.
June 4, 2016 Late night hike and camping trip to the eastern sub-summit of Greyrock Mountain. Arrived on the summit half an hour after midnight. Danced with my camera until 2 am. Back up to hike back to town at 5:30 am.
The Milky Way above the city lights of Fort Collins, CO. June 5, 2016
March21, 2016 50 Miles west of Fort Collins is a beautiful frozen tarn by the name of Lake Agnes. After a quick 2 mile snowshoe in from CO state hwy 14, I spent the entire evening exploring the snowy shores of this surreal place. Stayed late for a little astrophotography. Dodged deer on the drive home.
Melted snow on aspen leaves.
Lake Agnes
Lake Agnes March 21, 2016